The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (KGAF) 2015

The Kala Ghoda Art Festival is something I look forward to, year after year. In 16 years, the festival has grown, from a few art displays and events on Rampart Row to a 9 day fest, with 450 events, spread out across 11 venues. As I walk down the crowded lanes jostling with people eager to click a �selfie� with every display, I can�t but help contrast the scene with the early years of the fest. Then, a few �arty types� attended the event, and discussed knowledgeably about the displays, while students like me who knew little about art wandered around, trying to make sense of what the artist intended us to see. We were eager to be a part of the fest, mostly because this was the first such event in Mumbai. Though, over the years, the art and event scene in Mumbai has improved, the KGAF still holds its own, in variety, as well as accessibility; which is why massive crowds throng the venues, day after day. With my intense aversion to crowds, the only way I have managed to enjoy the fest in recent years, is by turning up on weekday mornings, before the rush sets in, which means that I miss out on many events and walks, since of course, I can�t spend the whole day there! However, since I am happiest walking around the visual art displays, I can�t really complain. Here then, is the Kala Ghoda Art Festival (KGAF) 2015, through my lens�.

The Kala Ghoda!

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