Skywatch Friday - The Photo Story of a Spectacular Sunset on Cherai Beach

Cherai is a beautiful beach near Kochi, relatively clean, and not too crowded. We spent a few days there during our summer vacation, and, instead of the simmering heat and calm sea, we found heavy rain and huge waves that lashed at the shore! While this did restrict our time in the water, the sky put up a beautiful show for us every day...a different one each day. Here is one of the most spectacular sunsets we saw. Honestly, I didn't know where to look.... At the clouds as they gathered, or at the sun which changed its look every minute, or at the sea, with its frothy reflections of the sun and the clouds, or at the changing colours in the sky.. Let me leave the descriptions aside, and allow you to see for yourself, one of the most spectacular sunsets I have ever seen!

It all began with the clouds gathering...
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